
I perform workshops for choirs, groups, choir leaders and singers. Each group and each singer is unique, and I love getting to know new ones! Please contact me for more information. Following are some possible examples of workshops:   

Rhythm & Groove

How do we make a song groove in the choir? And how do we manage to keep a straight tempo through the whole song? Through different exercises we will work with rhythm and groove in songs taken from the choir´s own repertoire.


Improvisation can be both fun and useful! I love to work with improvisation with groups in all ages, musical genres and musical level. I also work with Vocal Painting, which is a method for live-arranging and improvisation in groups.

Jazz/Pop/Gospel Choir Directing

Workshop and coaching for choir leaders who wants to get inspiration and more tools for their work. The content of this course is adjusted to the group´s experience and requests.

Voice Technique

In this workshop we work with healthy voice technique adjusted to the repertoir and genre we are singing.

Ear Training in choirs

Practical work with ear training and music theory for choir singers, adjusted to the level and the request from the choir.

Gospel Music

A workshop with focus on the contemporary gospel genre. In this workshop the choir may learn new songs, and we can work together during a period of time that ends up in a gospel concert.